Bioresonance therapy or BRT was invented by Dr. Franz Morell and Erich Rashe. It was first introduced in Germany in 1977. Bioresonance therapy is considered one of the primary alternative medicines in Germany as well as other parts of the world where alternative therapy is widely accepted and practiced.
Bioresonance therapy is painless, non-invasive, gentle, and drug-free. The bioresonance device makes use of low frequency oscillations (within ranges that are inherent in the body and naturally occurring on Earth) to heal patients.
All life forms emit vibrational frequencies at a range of 10Hz and the cells in the body respond well to frequency ranges between 1 to 23Hz. Bioresonance therapy also makes use of frequencies to detect the absence or presence of any substance by matching their frequency patterns.
It is also carried out by looking for a resonant match between the substance and what is found in the body. If a match is found, the same energetic frequency of the substance can be detected in the body.
Conditions Bioresonance Therapy Can Treat
Chronic Sinusitis
Chronic sinusitis is a very common condition where the cavities surrounding the nasal passages (sinuses) become swollen and inflamed for several weeks. Chronic sinusitis can interfere with the drainage and can cause difficulty breathing and mucus buildup.
The area around the eyes may also swell. Others may observe a reduced sense of smell. While conventional treatment like antihistamines and nasal sprays work, they often only provide temporary relief.
With bioresonance therapy, it is also ascertained if the condition is caused by pollen, bacteria, or chemical allergens so it can be treated accordingly.
Gastrointestinal Problems
Intestinal permeability or leaky gut is a condition where the lining of the small intestine is damaged, causing toxic waste products, bacteria, and undigested food particles to leak through the intestines and flood the bloodstream.
People with leaky gut also suffer from brain fog, chronic diarrhea or constipation, rashes, eczema, stomach bloating, weak immune system, and headaches. The condition has also been known to possibly lead to autoimmune conditions such as lupus and Crohn’s disease.
There are also specific intestinal bacteria that can worsen gastrointestinal conditions. Bioresonance therapy can help neutralize the harmful bacterias in the gut in conjunction with nutritional advice and supplementation with pre and probiotics.
Rheumatic Pains
Rheumatic diseases affect the bones, muscles, ligaments, joints, and tendons. Among them are the various kinds of arthritis. Arthritis is a term used to refer to conditions that affect the joints.
Some of the most common symptoms of arthritis include:
- Muscle cramps
- Joint pain
- Loss of motion in the joints
- Inflammation (redness and swelling in the joints)
Bioresonance therapy not only provides arthritis relief, it also treats inflammation using a holistic approach that combines pain management, dietary advice, and pain management.
Allergies can be attributed to air, food, and water exposure. It can also be caused by external factors such as heavy metals, chemicals, pollen, and neurotoxins. It can also be the result of one’s reaction to bacteria, molds, and pesticides.
Bioresonance can help determine the substance the patient is allergic to with high accuracy. It then matches the frequency resonance of the substance in order to treat the condition.
Food Intolerances
Milk, wheat, and daily products such as eggs, soy, and seafood intolerances are prevalent. However, there are also lesser known intolerances to other things such as food additives, preservatives, pharmaceutical drugs, and many more.
Bioresonance therapy works by desensitizing the intolerances through abstinence and repeated treatment. Once the intolerances have been successfully desensitized, ingestion of the substance will no longer produce any unwanted reactions.