In 1929 this highly respected German researcher mapped danger areas in houses in Vilsburg, South Germany, which were then investigated by the German Central Committee for Cancer Research in Berlin.

After checking the local hospital records it was found that all 54 patients who had died of cancer, since records had been kept, had slept in beds above points marked on von Pohl’s map of earth energy concentrations. Further research, carried out by von Pohl and other doctors, added asthma, depression, rheumatism, arthritis, MS, heart problems and a host of other disorders to the list of illnesses that harmful earth radiation seemed to help initiate or exacerbate.

From the article ‘What we don’t know about earth radiation’ by Simon Best ,published in The International Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine. Reproduced with kind permission of copyright holders: The International Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine. All Rights Reserved.