Delivering Natural Methods of Healing

Caring Hearts Passion for HEaling

Supporting Therapists with delivering quality Bio Resonance & Longevity specialist services

About Us

Optimal Health Group is focused on delivering Natural Methods of Healing through a non invasive and holistic approach to individuals and their families.

Wellness & increasing one’s health-span is becoming essential in modern day life.

More people are turning to complimentary , painless and non-invasive techniques.

We combine the best of homeopathy, TCM and Bio-resonance therapy methods to achieve a holistic outcome for our customers.

Our unique B2B and B2C platforms are designed to enpower your practise with the best of Bio-field and Longetivity expertise and unique access to acquiring these amazing technologies for your personal or clinic use.

Bicom Bioresonance Therapy

Bicom bioresonance is a special method of diagnosing and treating patients which has paved the way to a new enlightened approach within medicine.

Electromagnetic Stress Protection

There are some natural effects which can be extremely harmful to the immune system and over which we have no control, such as Geopathic Stress (GS).

Supplements & Vitamins

These free radicals can be formed from these sources: stress, radiation from the sun, pollution, several toxins, and poor food choices.
Choose Well

We Take Care of You

Bioresonance Therapy assist the body to reduce its toxins and other multiple stress loads that has become unavoidable in today’s lifestyle. It enhances the body regulatory system for internal healing. It leverages on the Traditional Chinese Medicine Meridian Points to aim for optimal energetic balancing.
Optimal Health Group aims to increase the general awareness of harnessing a natural way of lifestyle through promotion of gadgets that enhances individuals well being
We will also work with top suppliers of supplements to give individuals quality choices into supplement selections towards optimal health. Group discussions and educational seminars in relation to all natural ways to enhance health is top on our agenda.

We would like to share these videos from all over the world for a good understanding into what Bioresonance Therapy is about .