Conventional medicine can achieve great things in the treatment of acute disorders and in surgery.
However, when it comes to chronic disorders, treatment generally proves to be more problematic and many patients find it unsatisfactory. So this is an area where action is urgently needed.
Bicom bioresonance is a special method of diagnosing and treating patients which has paved the way to a new enlightened approach within medicine.
In many cases the Bicom device can discover and treat the real – often hidden – causes of disorders.
We live today in considerable affluence. A vast array of new technology, incredibly fast means of transport and communication, countless chemical substances and any number of convenience foods all help to make our everyday lives that much easier. As much as we may enjoy all this progress, more and more of us are now paying a very high price for it.
When it all gets too much
People nowadays are exposed to a number of different stresses: Chemical additives in our food and drinking water, environmental toxins, radiation stresses, a myriad of chemical substances, the use of medicines in livestock breeding.
For many patients these stresses are the last straw. This manifests itself in the form of vague ill health, chronic fatigue and even serious physical complaints.
It is interesting that there are usually several underlying stresses with chronic disorders. Consequently, totally different causes are sometimes identified in patients with the same symptoms. The biophysical level offers the opportunity to test these individual stresses, something which is often not possible at the biochemical level (laboratory parameters).
Severe, multiple or prolonged stresses may overstretch the body’s self-healing powers
As a general rule, the body has very good self-healing powers. The body has a phenomenal regulatory system with whose help it is possible to continuously correct even extreme influences on the body. If, however, too many or too severe stresses act on the body over a prolonged period, this can inhibit or even block the body’s ability to regulate as well as its self-healing powers.
The BICOM Optima is the latest development in bioresonance therapy. Drawing from over 30 years of clinical experience and with help of leading practitioners Regumed has developed the most advanced bioresonance system available today. This along with excellent training and technical support has given practitioners the confidence to invest in BICOM, making it the market leader with more than 13,000 devices in use worldwide
Practitioners with a knowledge of homeopathy can use the Optima to potentise substances in the range D3 to D1000. A substance is placed into the input beaker and the signal is transmitted to a vial in the output beaker containing a suitable storage medium. The output may also be transmitted directly to the patient using the modulation mat and can also be stored inside a BICOM Chip.
The Channel 2 Honeycomb is used to hold vials of beneficial substances such as a homeopathic remedy that will be transmitted to the patient.
Bioresonance therapy is one of a number of procedures including homeopathy, acupuncture and other naturopathic procedures within the area of empirical healing. The fundamental principles of the following hypothesis for bioresonance therapy have been confirmed by the latest discoveries in quantum mechanics and biophysics, but have not yet been accepted by current expert opinion within orthodox medicine.
Discoveries made in quantum physics have revealed that all particles of matter share the characteristics of both waves and particles. This means that all substances – and therefore all cells, parts of the body, as well as viruses, bacteria, pollen, toxins, etc. – emit electromagnetic waves. Depending upon their nature, all substances have a quite specific typical wavelength or frequency with highly individual characteristics. This is known as a frequency pattern.
Living as we do in the communication and information age, it is time we faced up to the fact that the body can only function and regulate itself because communication and thus an exchange of information takes place between the various cells in the body. Research into biophotons is based on the assumption that cells communicate with one another by means of “flashes of light” (photon radiation). They exchange information over certain frequencies.
This information exchange functions unhindered in healthy bodies. As a result, each cell and each part of the body is able to do its job.
Stress-inducing factors or substances can impede communication between cells. If, however, undesirable substances (toxins, viruses, bacteria, etc.) or harmful radiation act on the body, these may impede communication between the cells.
Treatment sessions vary in length depending on the therapy. On average they last about 30 minutes.
The patient is connected to the BICOM device during the treatment session and can sit or lie in a totally relaxed position.
The bioresonance method has no harmful side effects and is completely pain-free.