Bioresonance therapy (BRT) was invented by Dr. Franz Morell and Erich Rashe. It was first introduced in Germany in 1977. Bioresonance therapy is considered one of the primary alternative medicines in Germany (as well as many parts of the world) where alternative therapy is widely practiced and recognized.
Bioresonance therapy is a drug-free, gentle, non-invasive, and painless therapy that makes use of the wisdom of acupuncture and the science of technology. It also uses the BICOM bioresonance machine which has been used in many countries since the 70s.
Energy medicine machines like the BICOM bioresonance machine are trusted worldwide and have been used for more than three decades now.
BICOM Bioresonance Therapy in a Nutshell
BICOM bioresonance therapy is a gentle and non-invasive therapy that is suitable for children, babies, and sensitive patients. Animals such as guinea pigs and horses can also benefit from BICOM bioresonance devices. The device is also referred to by other names including vibrational medicine and biofeedback.
In essence, bioresonance therapy will not cure an illness. However, it effectively assists the body in reducing its stress and toxin load so it can achieve “self-regulation.” From there, the body can heal itself.
Conditions Bioresonance Therapy Can Treat
Bioresonance therapy has been used to successfully treat the following:
Hormonal imbalances
Hormonal imbalances can affect women at different stages in their lives—from irregular cycles, to pre-menstrual pains, down to hot flushes, and even insomnia. Bioresonance therapy is also used to help balance the hormonal system.
Gastrointestinal problems
Intestinal permeability or leaky gut is a condition where the small intestine’s lining becomes damaged. This condition caused bacteria, toxic waste products, and undigested food particles to “leak” through the intestine and flood the bloodstream.
Leaky gut can also cause many unwanted symptoms including chronic diarrhea, constipation, brain fog, migraines, eczema, rashes, headaches, bloating stomach, excessive fatigue.
At times, leaky gut may also lead to certain autoimmune conditions including lupus, and Crohn’s disease.
One of the treatment options used to treat the condition include nutritional advice, and pre and probiotics supplementation in conjunction with bioresonance therapy.
Chronic Sinusitis
Chronic sinusitis is a prevalent condition where the cavities found around the sinuses (nasal passages) become swollen and inflamed for a few weeks. The area around the eyes may also swell. Some patients may also experience a reduced sense of smell.
While traditional treatment involves nasal sprays and antihistamines, they only offer temporary relief. Bioresonance therapy is used to ascertain if the condition is caused by pollen, molds, chemical allergens, or bacteria so it can be treated accordingly.
Chronic Fatigue/Insomnia/Restless Sleep
Restless sleep can be attributed to a lot of causes. However, anxiety and stress are two of the most common triggers. Restless sleep in the form of insomnia sometimes indicates an underlying health condition that involves the immune system and the adrenal system.
Long-term sleep deprivation can also suppress the immune system and cause other serious health implications. Other possible causes include sub-optimal organ efficacy and food intolerances.
Bioresonance therapy helps with the detoxification of the internal organs and the immune system. Detoxification is done to get rid of the toxic stressors that may be causing restless sleep and chronic fatigue.
Bioresonance therapy works by re-balancing the energetic frequency of the internal organs so they are able to function at their most optimal frequency ranges. The latest technology may also incorporate Bach Flower Remedies and Binaural Sound Therapy to help patients sleep better.
Rheumatic Pains
Rheumatic diseases affect the tendons, joints, bones, ligaments, and muscles. Among them are the various types of arthritis, a term used to refer to conditions that affect the joints. Common symptoms of arthritis include:
- Muscle cramps
- Joint pain
- Loss of motion in the joints
- Inflammation (redness, swelling, and warmth in the joint or affected area)
While bioresonance therapy can provide relief for rheumatic pains, the primary aim of the treatment is to treat the inflammation using a holistic approach using dietary advice, pain management, and frequency treatment.